
Short Explanation

I built it using laravel framework as backend and created API for the mobile app. It has some feature like a social media. The mobile app has sentiment classification model, so it can be used to classify any text data such as caption, chat, and comment. I didn't build it using any frontend framework web yet. I am looking forward to it. Maybe in next couple week I will start to build the frontend for the web.

this project contain two apps:

  • web app (monolithic frontend and backend)
  • mobile app (kotlin based that consume API from backend)

Tech Stack Used

the features are:

  •   profile
  •   chat
  •   follow (still doesn't effect the feeds)
  •   sentiment analyst (using tensorlite model and only available at mobile app)

Project Goals

Main objective was to do assignment. Basically, this project started from a assignment to enter an internship. But I continue the development since I need it in another assignment from Mobile Programming Class.

Edited in 2021-02-24